We all should know by now about Nintendo's collaboration with Namco Bandai. Question is, why?
Tekken producer Katsuhiro Harada, who is working on Super Smash Bros 4, says that: "I think Nintendo chose us just because Smash Brothers is a fighting game. We have over 17 years of continuously developing titles in our franchise [Tekken], I think they felt we were a choice for that," He continues on to explain "Also, we’ve continually developed a very good relationship with Nintendo. Maybe not necessarily in the public spotlight but kind of behind the scenes. We have established a very good working relationship with them. Not just Nintendo, but as a company, we have a very good relationship with Sakurai-san at Sora as well. I think that we are in very good position to make a great game for the Smash Brothers series."
I never knew Namco Bandai was so close to Nintendo. Well, you learn something new everyday, right?